Program Overivew
Project Point Five strives to prepare at risk youth to develop a personal achievable vision that will light the way for success and to navigate the maze of life, and aid in obtaining a job in life resulting in becoming a productive citizen and sustaining a crime free life.
Our focus is to help at-risk youth work through their unresolved latent emotions (feelings of abandonment, or other traumatic life events that have left emotional scars). The maze of life is often confusing for youth. By providing a roadmap to navigate these interconnected paths, we guide youth to stay in school when other conflicting factors are pushing them to drop out before they are prepared to further their education or enter the workforce.
Impact on the Community: Project Point Five builds on the strengths of each youth. Project Point Five provides a place to go when unsupervised (idle time equates to more opportunities to be involved in illegal and undesirable activities); adult interaction (most youth today are in great need of adult supervision – the majority of students are from a single parent household); Project Point Five male staff provides youth participants with positive adult male relationships.

Our Goal Is To:
Special Activities