- Saturday, April 27th
- Sanford, NC 27330
- More info

CEAD presents
Protecting Our Future
- 1801 Nash Street
- Sanford, NC 27330
- 10am to 230pm
Project Point Five Inc. operates four core initiatives with various programs to address four target populations: at-risk youth, returning citizens, vulnerable veterans recently separated from active duty service, and community volunteers passionate about social, racial, and economic justice. These initiatives focus predominantly on marginalized men due to a lack of comparable resources currently prioritized for women and children.
Setting goals is a critical practice that helps anyone with a desire or vision for their future. Young people stepping out on this grand journey of life are in a particularly opportune time to begin building their skills. Though many parents try to help guide their children, the realization of the family dynamic in the black community puts our young men and boys at a statistic disadvantage. Our goals is to fill these gaps to empower, encourage and educate the next generation of black men to establish foundations that strive towards lifelong wellness and success.
Empower - make stronger and more confident.
(Support, focus, decision making, training, access, resources, information, responsibilities, and mentors)
We take preventative and intervening measures to reduce the number of these personal situations manifesting in the community.
Personal Development for a better you.
(Communication, interpersonal, organization, problem solving, self-confidence, adaptability, integrity, and work ethics)
We aim to provide direct services and technical assistance to clients in-need to stabilize critical circumstances and personal situations.
Building alliances throughout the community, we can create a network of reliable, accessible resouces that, when available, to the target populations, can quickly produce quality transformations.
We organize to raise awareness and advocate against the systemic issues at the local and statewide levels that exacerbate these social and economic disparities and waste resources.
We equip clients and volunteers with raised awareness, factual information, and dignified principles that help our team improve themselves and each other.
We deal honestly and fairly; we work hard to produce and deliver quality programs, education, and resources and we use the financial support of our donors efficiently.
Is it caught or taught? We display and cultivate qualities that role model loyalty, respect, honor, transparency, courage, and service unto all without exception.
We value, nurture, and practice respect for the talents, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of living of all of our participants (as long as they do no cause harm to self or others).
We believe that through our commitment to working together, we will obtain greater results and make the best use of our resources.
We strive to engage clients by providing high-quality and creative content and strategies, basing our insights on knowledge and experience.
We respect diversity in gender, ability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, faith, and ideas; we believe that everyone deserves the dignity and respect of their human rights.
We teach the art and science of establishing and maintaining balance during disturbances and changes through consistency.
A program focusing on skill building for young men ages 13 - 21. The platform will be a safe, positive, fun, interactive peer and adult mentoring program. Overcoming obstacles such as decreasing school dropouts, improving academics, reducing substance abuse, bullying and violence.
Children are among the poorest North Carolinians. One in five below the age of 18. One in three black and latinx youth are poor. A risk assessment of NC Youth at disposition found that 59% had serious problems in school. 75% had mental health needs and almost 40% needed substance abuse treatment.
We are offering a foundation and stability for returning citizens, as they learn to transition home, rebuilding life skills, obtain employment, housing and reunification with families. The outcome is to reduce the tendency to reoffend and relapse.
This holistic transitional service program is designed to prepare offenders for successful lives as law abiding citizens and taxpayers. Our goal is to lessen recidivism and restore male offenders to being productive members of society during the first year of the program. We help offenders live and work independently, secure residence, maintain health while assuming family responsibilities, as well as participate in community-based activities.
This program is designed to assist recently separated veterans, navigate many new firsts (helplessly overwhelming challenges). Helping and supporting our heroes to network, gain access to resources, through peer mentorship and support. As we build bridges from veteran to veteran encouraging resiliency.
We help recently separated Veterans:
Project Point Five Inc. specializes in personal renovations, rehabilitations, and reinventions to achieve self-sufficiency and economic mobility through a holistic approach designed to meet each client’s needs.
We are on a mission to empower, educate, and enlighten non-violent offenders, veterans in-need, troubled youth, and struggling male head of households.
visits to the ER due to substance abuse problems Opioid and Heroin overdoes in 2018
African Americans had the highest number of teen pregnancies in 2017.
of dropouts are male, due mostly to attendance issues.
the average lifetime earning lost for a student who drops out of high school.
Join your hand with us for a better life and future